Saturday, April 15, 2006
Lessons in Spanish-clinic work in Honduras
Working for a week in the mountains outside Tegucigalpa Honduras can be awe inspiring. For the third summer, I will be traveling with an Episcopal mission group to volunteer with other doctors and nurses in a small medical clinic designed to help families with preventative and
non-urgent care. The adults get blood pressure checks, blood sugar tests, birth control, and referral to Honduran doctors for followup. The children get weighed and measured, vitamins, anti-parasitic meds, and treatment for respiratory illnesses, among other things. I also teach classes on HIV/AIDS awareness and Domestic Violence. Educational materials are posted on High blood pressure, Diabetes, Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis B. My question is what else should we be doing to make a difference for these people? We also take a dentist, pharmacist, and some years an ophthalmologist. The other groups with us are assisting with the school, church, and construction projects such as water and septic tank. The most life changing project for the women has been the establishment of a sewing co-op. What has made a difference in other communities to combat the rising numbers of HIV, drug abuse, and limited options for education and progress?
non-urgent care. The adults get blood pressure checks, blood sugar tests, birth control, and referral to Honduran doctors for followup. The children get weighed and measured, vitamins, anti-parasitic meds, and treatment for respiratory illnesses, among other things. I also teach classes on HIV/AIDS awareness and Domestic Violence. Educational materials are posted on High blood pressure, Diabetes, Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis B. My question is what else should we be doing to make a difference for these people? We also take a dentist, pharmacist, and some years an ophthalmologist. The other groups with us are assisting with the school, church, and construction projects such as water and septic tank. The most life changing project for the women has been the establishment of a sewing co-op. What has made a difference in other communities to combat the rising numbers of HIV, drug abuse, and limited options for education and progress?